van Dalen-Oskam – Huygens – The Netherlands


Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, The Netherlands

Karina van Dalen-Oskam studied Dutch Linguistics and Literary studies at the University of Utrecht and in 1997 gained her PhD from Leiden University with the thesis Studies over Jacob van Maerlants Rijmbijbel. From 1988 to 2001 she worked at the Institute for Dutch Lexicology in Leiden. In 2002, she started at the Nederlands Instituut voor Wetenschappelijke Informatiediensten (NIWI-KNAW, Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information Services) as head of the department of Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies and as senior researcher. Since June 2005 she has been working at Huygens ING, where she started as research leader of the department of ICT & Texts. She has been head of the department of Literary Studies / Textual Scholarship since 1 July 2011. Her research focuses on computational literary studies and she is engaged in the development of methods and techniques for the stylistic analysis of primarily literary texts. For this, both Middle Dutch literary texts and modern Dutch (and English) novels are part of her research corpus. In her research on Middle Dutch texts, she studies the ways in which computational tools can help to distinguish authors and scribes. In her research on modern novels, she analyses the usage and functions of proper names as a stylistic element. For the analysis of such elements she is developing a comparative method that can be applied taking into account differences in genre, time, and language. She is project leader of eLaborate and Namescape, a project funded by CLARIN-NL. She is a member (2011-2014) of the Executive Committee of the European Association for Digital Humanities. In January 2012 her project “The riddle of literary quality” officially started. In this project, funded by the Computational Humanities programme of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and connected to the eHumanities Center she will collaborate with researchers of the Fryske Akademy and the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the University of Amsterdam. Since March 2012 she is also professor of Computational Literary Studies at the University of Amsterdam. 

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