Green Philosophies: Re-Defining our Sustainable Past (and Future)

0:00 – Introductions: Geoffrey Rockwell

Panel: History and Philosophy of Sustainability
29:39 – Petra Dolata, University of Calgary, Canada Research Chair of the History of Energy, Energy and Society Working Group
“Sustainability in the Anthropocene”
23:56 – Howard Nye, University of Alberta, practical ethics and political philosophy
“Why be Sustainable? Expected Consequences and the Ethics of Making an Indeterminate Difference”
CHAIR: Shannon Stunden-Bower

1:01:44 – Roundtable Discussion: L’accès libre: un devoir moral et scientifique
– Marcello Vitali, Montreal U
– Michael Sinatra, Montreal U
– Nicolas Sauret, Montreal U
– Jean-Claude Guédon, Montreal U
– Joana Casenave, Montreal U

1:34:53 – Keynote: Virtual Online Conferences: How good do they have to be to be good enough?
– Terry Anderson, distance research and education expert
This session looks at the characteristics, advantages and challenges of virtual conferences in academic contexts. The session gives examples of three such conferences organized by the presenter and notes the carbon costs and social benefits.