none American Circuits, American Secrets
  • American Circuits, American Secrets

    September 18-21, 2014 / Banff, Alberta

Hosted By

The University of Alberta
@ The Banff Centre


Mike O’Driscoll,
Nat Hurley,
& Mark Simpson


Early Registration Rates
until June 29
Guaranteed Accommodation
until July 30

  • About

    American Circuits, American Secrets is an international and multidisciplinary conference of scholars hosted by the University of Alberta and will be held in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary meeting of the Canadian Association for American Studies. We welcome paper and panel submissions from scholars anywhere in the world.
  • Sponsors

    University of Alberta

    Canadian Association for American Studies

    The Faculty of Arts

     Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

    The Banff Centre