Teaching Programs & Activities


Major Projects


  • Digital Studies / Le champ numérique:
    The multilingual, open-access journal of CSDH-SCHN.
  • Digital Humanities Quarterly:
    ACH’s open-access journal of digital humanities, supported by ACH and ADHO membership fees. DHQ publishes scholarly articles, editorials and provocative opinion pieces, experiments in interactive media, and reviews of books, web sites, new media art installations, digital humanities systems and tools. The journal experiments with publication formats and the rhetoric of digital authoring.
  • DSH: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities:
    DSH or Digital Scholarship in the Humanities is an international, peer reviewed journal which publishes original contributions on all aspects of digital scholarship in the Humanities including, but not limited to, the field of what is currently called the Digital Humanities. Long and short papers report on theoretical, methodological, experimental, and applied research and include results of research projects, descriptions and evaluations of tools, techniques, and methodologies, and reports on work in progress. DSH also publishes reviews of books and resources.
  • Computing in the Humanities Working Papers:
  • An interdisciplinary series of refereed publications. Though no longer actively updated, CHWP contains a number of important resources on early humanities computing tools and methods.
  • Surfaces:
    L’orientation intellectuelle de Surfaces se focalise sur les modalités du savoir, qui subissent une transformation massive à la suite de la mondialisation croissante de la culture.
  • Humanist Discussion Group:
    A long-running discussion list, home to the international DH community and for over two decades a forum for searching and thoughtful conversations on DH.