“Towards ‘the Dignity of Difference’:

Neither ‘the Clash of Civilizations’ nor ‘the End of History’”

University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

October 2-4, 2009

        Keynote speakers: Benjamin Barber, Robert Cox, Hassan Hanafi, Fred R. Dallmayr, and Akbar Ganji

Mojtaba Mahdavi and W. Andy Knight, Eds., Towards the Dignity of Difference? Neither "End of History" nor "Clash of Civilizations" Ashgate, September 2012

220 pages, Hardback

ISBN: 978-1-4094-3956-1

Price: $124.95, Website price: $112.46


University of Alberta - Edmonton, Canadahttp://www.ualberta.cashapeimage_4_link_0
United Nations University - Tokyo, Japan http://www.unu.edu/shapeimage_5_link_0
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