Friday April 26th (York University, Keele Campus)
DAY 2 Registration – York University, Accolade East Concourse (facing CIBC Lobby) 8:30 am-3:30 pm
8:30 am -9:00am Coffee and Mingling
9:00 am Keynote Talk- Tribute Community Recital Hall (TCRH), Accolade East
Kia Ng, Senior Lecturer in Computing & Music and Director and Co-founder of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Scientific Research in Music (ICSRiM) at the University of Leeds
“Interdisciplinary Scientific Research in Human/Technology Interface for Music and Performance Technology’
Friday Ongoing
+City ( – HASTAC 2013 Conference Twitter Visualization Project
+City is a dynamic data visualization of pre-determined Twitter hashtag streams that maps in real-time tweets, replies and retweets, illuminating the social flow of networked communications.
On monitors in CIBC Lobby, on select conference room screens before talks and online.
Siobhan O’Flynn and Faisal Anwar, Toronto
10:30 am-1:30 pm
Made Realities: A Maker Space – Accolade East Concourse (across from CIBC Lobby)
Devon Elliott (University of Western Ontario), Kevin Kee (Brock University), Shaun Macpherson (University of Victoria), Jentery Sayers (University of Victoria) and William J. Turkel (University of Western Ontario) in collaboration with the Maker Lab in the Humanities, the Ontario Augmented Reality Network (OARN), and the Lab for Humanistic Fabrication
2:00-5:30 pm
Sensorium: A curated interactive exhibition showcasing digital media research underway in the Faculty of Fine Arts, York University (backstage @ Faire Fecan Theatre, ACE)
Also on the concourse: HASTAC info table, and Booktable, courtesy of York University Bookstore
10:20 am-11:35 am
Session 1 (Lightning Talks) ACE 002
Ryan Hunt, Independent scholar: “Reading, Writing, And Digital Humanities? Involving Korean Esl Students In Digital Humanities”
Daniel Chamberlain, Occidental College: “How Might Computational Thinking Be Made a Core Aspect of a Liberal Education?”
Steven L. Berg, Schoolcraft College: “Voice without a Budget: Digital Technologies in a Community College Classroom”
Session 2 (Lightning Talks) ACE 003
Patricio Davila, OCAD University and York University and Dave Colangelo, York University and Ryerson University:“The Mapping and the Territory: Architectural Projection Mapping at the Archives of Ontario”
Ashley Scarlett, University of Toronto: “Informational Matters: Investigating the Materials of New Media Art”
Aysegul Koc, York University and Ryerson University: “Technology and Displacement”
D. Lloyd Gray, OCAD University: “The Content Delivery Complex and the Attention Bubble: Digital Saturation and the Limits of Content Monetization”
Mary Elizabeth Luka, Concordia University: “Seeking Shelter – Mobilizing Creative And Archival Practices To Build A House Of Theory”
Session 3 (Lightning Talks) ACE 005
Steve Karpik, Interactive Digital Experience Developer: “From Punch Card to Kinect: Evolving Computer Interfaces in a Cultural Context”
Michael Suen, Learning Games Network: “Now Playing in Consoles Near You: Narrative Logics, Aesthetics, and Reception of Video Game Promos”
Mark Thoburn, OCAD University: “Compassion As Mechanic? Brain Health, Meditation And Video Games”
Cheryl Williams, York University: “Fair Game? How Advertisers are Influencing our Kids Through Mobile Games”
Session 4 ACE 004
David Clark, NSCAD University: “Meantime in Greenwich’Augmented Reality Public Art”
Eunsu Kang, University of Akron; Donald Craig, University of Washington; Diana Carcia Snyder, University of Washington Bothell: “Dancing with Interactive Spaces: Fluid Cave, Membranes, and Shin’m 2.0”
Marcel O’Gorman, University of Waterloo: “Taking Care of Digital Dementia”
Session 5 ACE 009
Nick Sousanis, Columbia University: “Unflattening: A visual-verbal inquiry into learning in many dimensions” (A dissertation in comic book form re-envisions scholarly inquiry)
John Hunter, Bucknell University: “Ourselves as Cinema; or, Why is History Becoming Resurrection?”
Safiya Umoja Noble, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: “Keyword Searching Women of Color in Google: a Critical Perspective”
Session 6 ACE 011
“Amplifying the Digital Humanities: The SoundBox Project”
Mary Caton Lingold, Duke University; Darren Mueller, Duke University; Whitney Trettien, Duke University; Nicholas Bruns, Cornell University; Michael J. Kramer, Northwestern University; Robin James, UNC Charlotte
11:45 am-1:00 pm
Session 7 ACE 003
Ben Miller and Ayush Shrestha, Georgia State University: “Transversal Reading of Collective Memory”
John D. Martin III and Elliott Hauser, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: “Algorithmic Amulet-making, Magic Square Encryption and Other Occult Technologies: Computational Methods Applied to Medieval Intellectual Artifacts”
Session 8 ACE 005
“Latour’s Compositionism and the Angel of History”
Alexander Reid, University at Buffalo; Derek Mueller, Eastern Michigan University and Matt King, St. Bonaventure University
Session 9 ACE 004
“Visualizing the New Media Dance Floor: English on the Horizon at DSU”
John S. Nelson, Stacey Berry and Shreelina Ghosh, Dakota State University
Session 10 ACE 002
Robert K. Logan, University of Toronto and OCAD University: “The Fourteen Messages of New Media”
Greg Van Alstyne and Gabe Sawhney, OCAD University: “Seeing and Shaping Our Future Media”
12:00 pm -1:30 pm Lunch (continuous service – box lunch provided)-
Accolade East Concourse
Friday 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm ACE 004
Invited Speaker
Morgan Bouchet, VP Transmedia & Social Media at Orange “Transmedialab” and Professor at SciencesPo
“From a scattered Transmedia experience to orchestrated authored experience: Transmedia in France””
1:30 pm -3:00 pm Poster and Demo Session (Attended)
The Art and Technology Learning Laboratory -102 Accolade West (adjoining building)
The Transmedia Lab – 103 Accolade West (adjoining building)
All poster and demo presenters are expected to be in attendance and discuss their projects during this time period. There will be a repeat of the poster/demo session on the 27th (Saturday) where attendance by the presenters is optional.
Adonay Guerrero Cortes, Sara Shadkami, Tony Vieira and Colleen Wolstenholme, York University: “Vessels of Memory – augmented reality docu-fiction”
Andrew Klobucar, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Jeff T. Johnson, New School: “Letters from the Archiverse: A Visualisation and Publication Tool for Literary Networking”
Brett Pierce, Steel River Productions: “Meridian Stories”
Brian Oliver Smith, Urban Planet Mobile: “Writing Planet”
Caitlin Fisher, York University and Charles Fisher: “Requiem (for Tom Lynch)”
Christine McWebb, University of Waterloo: “imageMAT: a Tool for Interoperable Image Annotation and the Shared Canvas Model”
Christopher Kampe and Bethany Bradshaw, North Carolina State University: “Physical Computing In A Space Of Embodied Poetics”
David Harris Smith, McMaster University: “macGRID Simulation Research Network and Platform”
Harriet Tubman Institute for Research on the Global Migrations of African Peoples and the Augmented Reality Lab York University “Augmented Reality Freedom Stories”
Heather Zwicker, Erika Luckert, and Kisha Supernant, University of Alberta: “Class Cartographies: Reading the Edmonton River Valley”
Heidi Rae Cooley and Duncan A. Buell, University of South Carolina: “Ghosts of the Horseshoe: A Critical Interactive”
Isaac Quinn DuPont, University of Toronto: “Round–Trip Encryption: How a Hacker Contest Cracked Agrippa”
Jennifer Rarick, Artist and Instructor, “Experimental Poetry”
Jessica Barness, Kent State University: “Morse Code Remix: Translating Words into Audio-Visual Collage“
Magda Olszanowski, Concordia University: “microfemininewarfare: exploring women’s space in electronic music”
Mark Thoburn, OCAD University: “Qualia: Your Mind. Their Bodies. One World.”
Matt Soar, Concordia University and Florian Thalhofer, Korsakow Institut, Berlin: “The Korsakow System: Recent projects and new features”
Patrick Jagoda, University of Chicago and Seed Lynn, Game Changer Chicago: “Game Changer Chicago”
Samantha Gorman, University of Southern California: “Penumbra: re-imagining of the E-book”
Tessa Joseph-Nicholas, UNC Chapel Hill: “Coursefork: Interdisciplinary Course Development Tool for Computing and the Digital Humanities”
Posters/Digital Posters:
Angela Elkordy, Eastern Michigan University: “Digital Badges: Assessment for Learning 21st Century Skills in Formal and Informal Contexts”
Jeremy Sarachan, St. John Fisher College: “Digital Cultures and Technologies: A New Major at St. John Fisher College”
Leanne Bowler, University of Pittsburgh: “Mindful Online Behavior: Finding Shelter from the Storm”
Lynn Gelfand, Central Arizona College: “Museum Quest: Using Joseph Campbell’s Model of The Hero’s Journey to Teach Myth Through Game”
Mary Pat O’Meara, York University: “Multimodality and Pedagogy: Videoplay, Authorship, and the Academic”
Nathalie Casemajor Loustau, McGill University: “Mapping the Vocabulary of Digital Access at Library and Archives Canada: Trajectories of the term ‘Open’”
Oriana Gatta, Georgia State University: “Lessons (to be) Learned: A Comparative Analysis of 200 Undergraduate Digital Media Programs”
Sâmia Pedraça and Luciano Frizzera, University of Alberta: “Edmonton’s Dynamic Shapes”
Scott McMaster, Concrodia University: “Image-Based Research Via New Media Data Collection”
Sharla Sava, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art: “Automating Writing Assessment: Future Classrooms, Curricula, And Pedagogies”
Co-Located Event IRLT
The Global Women Wikipedia Write-In #GWWI by the Rewriting Wikipedia Project
3:00 pm Keynote Talk- Tribute Community Recital Hall, ACE
Paola Antonelli, Director of Research and Development and Senior Curator of Architecture and Design at the Museum of Modern Art, New York
“Technology, Science and Design: The New Frontiers”
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Sensorium Reception, CIBC Lobby, ACE
(and Sensorium art show, ongoing, backstage at the Faire Fecan Theatre)
5:30 pm – 6:15 pm Performances: McLean Performance Studio, ACE
John Cayley, Brown University: “Writing To Be Found In Common Tongues”
Samantha Gorman, University of Southern California: “Completely Automated”
7:00 pm Evening Performances- Tribute Community Recital Hall, ACE
Loss Pequeño Glazier, SUNY Buffalo: “Four Guillemets”
Maziar Ghaderi, OCAD University: “Dissolving Self”
Kevin Mazutinec, Robin Davies, Justin McGrail and Marian van der Zon, Vancouver Island University “MERIDIAN” a Multimedia Performance Event
8:30 pm Outdoor Architectural Projection — Accolade East Courtyard
“30 moons many hands”
Dave Colangelo, York University and Ryerson University
Patricio Davila, York University and OCAD University
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