VOLODYMYR KRAVCHENKO |Department of History and Classics and Director, Contemporary Ukraine Studies Program, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta
OLEKSANDR PANKIEIEV |President, Alberta Society for the Advancement of Ukrainian Studies, and Arts Collaboration Enterprise, University of Alberta
Origins of Russia’s propaganda and use of the Church as the Kremlin’s propaganda tool
MODERATOR: VOLODYMYR KRAVCHENKO |Contemporary Ukraine Studies Program, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta
OLGA BERTELSEN | Department of Global Security and Intelligence Studies, College of Security and Intelligence, Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University
“Russian covert transnational operations and information warfare in the 1960s–1980s”
MARCEL VAN HERPEN |The Cicero Foundation
“‘Hybrid Church’ for a ‘Hybrid War’: Role of the Russian Orthodox Church as the Kremlin’s propaganda tool”
ANDREW WILSON |University College London
“Russia’s propaganda in Ukraine since 2014”
PANEL I 11:25–12:40
Undermining democratic values: Targets of Russian propaganda
MODERATOR: JESSICA ZYCHOWICZ |Dr. Jeanette Bayduza Post-doctoral Fellow, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta
CARRIE SMITH|Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, University of Alberta
“Uncomfortable bedfellows: Virtual and visceral digital feminist community building”
ELIZAVETA GAUFMAN |Department of European Cultures and Languages, University of Groningen
“Facts and fiction of Russia’s ‘Information War’”
LUNCH 12: 40–13:30
PANEL II 13:30–14:45
Framing Russia’s Information Warfare
MODERATOR: OLEKSANDR PANKIEIEV | Alberta Society for the Advancement of Ukrainian Studies, and Arts Collaboration Enterprise, University of Alberta
JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOUCHER | Department of Political Science and The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary
“Social media and the Russian information campaign in Canada: The case of the 2014 Crimean crisis”
ALLA HURSKA | Jamestown Foundation
“Russian ‘Disinformation Intermarium’: between the Baltic and the Black Seas”
PANEL III 14:45–16:00
View from within: Liberal journalism in the face of Russia’s information campaigns
JUSTIN LING |Toronto-based freelance journalist
“Funhouse mirrors: How Moscow distorts reality”
JESSIKKA ARO | YLE Finnish Broadcasting Company
“Russian trolls as a security threat”
COFFEE BREAK 16:00–16:15
ROUND TABLE 16:15–17:15
Challenging the “Post-truth” world
PARTICIPANTS | Jessikka Aro, Olga Bertelsen, Volodymyr Kravchenko, Justin Ling, Oleksandr Pankieiev, Marcel Van Herpen