Conference Program (click download an updated copy of the conference program)
YOM KIPPUR Because, to our chagrin, the conference is scheduled to coincide with Yom Kippur, we have made the following arrangements for those who would like to observe the holiday: Loraine Obler (
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) will organize a lay-led Reform service in the evening of October 8th and the morning of October 9th. The Banff Centre has offered a separate meeting room for this purpose and will also offer participants who fast for Yom Kippur the opportunity to exchange their unused breakfast and lunch credits for the Banff Dining Centre's evening buffet on either October 8th or October 9th (sunset will be at 6:55pm. Last seating for dinner is at 7:30pm). If you are interested in taking part in the exchange of meal credits, please contact Elizabeth French (
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) prior to October 1.