Abstracts must be received by May 9th 2008.
Maximum abstract length is one page, including title and any references.
Please do not include graphs or diagrams in the abstract. Please submit THREE separate documents: 1. One page full abstract document 2. One page full abstract document with all identifying information removed 3. One page abstract information sheet Click on the links above to retrieve the three documents to be submitted. For the full abstract documents (i.e. 1 & 2), the document is both a template and guideline for formatting. Simply type your abstract into the document to retain the required formatting. For the abstract information sheet (i.e. 3), simply click inside the grey boxes and insert information. The full abstract document with all identifying information removed will used for adjudication purposes. When complete, save all three documents as a MS Word Document. Save each document using the contact author name as follows: 1. One page full abstract document: Smith _Full.doc 2. One page full abstract document with all identifying information removed: Smith_NoID.doc 3. One page abstract information sheet: Smith_Info.doc Submit all three documents as an attachment via email to
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with the subject heading “Menlex6 Abstract”