Andrew Bush


Photograph of Andrew Bush

Andrew Bush specializes in the numerical modeling of atmospheres and oceans with particular emphasis on paleoclimate modeling. Ongoing research includes the use of a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model to investigate the impact of orbital parameters on the coupled system, the maintenance of the equatorial thermocline, and the roles that such coupled phenomena as El Nino have played in the paleoclimates of Earth's history. Another area of interest includes the simulation of glaciation during periods of enhanced atmospheric carbon dioxide (such as the Ordovician) as well as during periods of reduced atmospheric carbon dioxide (such as the Last Glacial Maximum). For the project, he will be involved in Global (GCM) and mesoscale (MM5) simulations for Japan.


Phone: 780-492-0351

1-26 Earth Sciences Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6G 2E3


Bush, A.B.G. (2010). Glaciation During Times of Enhanced/Reduced Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. In Haritashya, U., Singh, P., and V. Sigh (eds), Encyclopedia of Snow Ice and Glaciers, Springer Publications.

White, D. and A.B.G. Bush (2010). Holocene climate, environmental change, and Neolithic biocultural discontinuity in the Baikal region. In A.W. Weber, M.A. Katzenberg and T. Schurr (eds), Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region Siberia: Bioarchaeological Studies of Past Lifeways, 1-26. University of Pennsylvania Museum Press, Pennsylvania.

Bishop, M.P., Bush, A.B.G., Copland, L., Kamp, U., Owen, L.A., and J. Shroder (2010). Climate Change and Mountain Topographic Evolution in the Central Karakoram, Pakistan. Annals of the Association of American Geographers.

Cannon, C.H., R.J. Morley and A.B.G. Bush (2009). The current refugial rainforests of Sundaland: Major biogeographic implications. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106: 11188-11193.

Bakail Hokkaido archaeology project