Nikolai Savel'ev


Nikolai Savel'ev works from the Department of Archaeology and Ethnography of Irkutsk State University. His main responsibilities with our project include archaeological fieldwork, integration of data from habitation sites, and culture history studies.


Department of Archaeology & Ethnography
Karl Marx Street 1
Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk
664003 RUSSIA



Losey RJ, S Garvie-Lok, JA Leonard, MA Katzenberg, M Germonpre, T Nomokonova, MV Sablin, OI Goriunova, NE Berdnikova, NA Savel'ev. 2013. Burying Dogs in Ancient Cis-Baikal, Siberia: Temporal Trends and Relationships with Human Diet and Subsistence Practices. PLoS One: e63740.

Nomokonova T, Goriunova OI, Losey RJ, and NA Savel'ev. 2011. The use of Ulan-Khada cove on Lake Baikal during the Holocene based on the analyses of faunal materials. Archaeology, Ethnography, and Anthropology of Eurasia. 46(2): 30-36 [in Russian and English].

Weber AW, White D, Bazaliiskii VI, Goriunova OI, Savel'ev NA, and Katzenberg MA. 2011. Hunter-gatherer foraging ranges, migrations, and travel in the middle Holocene Baikal region of Siberia: Insights from carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Vol. 30: 523-548.

Haverkort, C., V.I. Bazaliiskii and N.A. Savel'ev (2010). Identifying Hunter-Gatherer Mobility Patterns Using Strontium Isotopes. In A.W. Weber, M.A. Katzenberg, and T.G. Schurr (eds), Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia: Bioarchaeological Studies of Past Lifeways, 193-216. University of Pennsylvania Museum Press, Philadelphia.

Katzenberg, M.A., V.I. Bazaliiskii, O.I. Goriunova, N.A. Savel'ev and A.W. Weber (2010). Diet reconstruction and stable isotope ecology in the Lake Baikal region. In A.W. Weber, M.A. Katzenberg, and T.G. Schurr (eds), Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia: Bioarchaeological Studies of Past Lifeways, 175-192. University of Pennsylvania Museum Press, Philadelphia.

Bakail Hokkaido archaeology project