Elementor #79

Energy In/Out of Place

A Virtual Energy Humanities Research-Creation Workshop

Energy In/Out of Place: A Virtual Energy Humanities Research-Creation Workshop
June 15-19, 2020
Alberta | California | Karnataka | Newfoundland | Nunavut | Ontario | Quebec

and online around the world

Contact: energyandplace@gmail.com

Participants in this virtual research-creation workshop will explore the many roles of energy in shaping and mediating a diverse array of places around the world. In addition to two keynote addresses, five teams of researchers will present work-in-progress for discussion by other workshop teams and registered participants. Through these projects and discussions we will reflect together on sites in and around where we live and work that carry potential for deep changes in the energy regimes that dominate everyday life. What historical forms have been etched into the landscape, infrastructures, and imaginaries of the site? How does energy traverse geographic and social boundaries, making and unmaking places in the process? What flows of energy, conversely, might chart new relations to place? How do global energy systems localize themselves in different geographies, cultures, and quotidian experiences—and how might we, as researchers, seek to do the same?


Energy, Space, Society: Placing Energy Transition

Kirby Calvert

University of Guelph

June 15, 2020, 8:30AM MST/10:30AM EST

Energy Transition in Time of Crisis: Research-Creation Responses

Natalie Loveless and Sheena Wilson

University of Alberta

June 19, 2020, 8:30AM MST/10:30AM EST

Workshop Schedule

March 2020: Research prompts sent to workshop teams

June 12, 2020: Teams submit work-in-progress for uploading to website

June 15, 2020: Opening keynote address by Kirby Calvert (livestreamed to registered participants via Zoom)

June 15-19, 2020: Workshop materials go live for online viewing and discussion by workshop teams and registered participants

June 18, 2020: Panel discussion featuring workshop teams via Zoom

June 19, 2020: Closing keynote by Natalie Loveless and Sheena Wilson (livestreamed to registered participants via Zoom)

July 2020: Teams revise work for book publication

Visit the Workshop Details page to learn more. Register here.