What is EMiC UA?
EMiC UA - Editing Modernism in Canada at the University of Alberta - is a node on the EMiC Strategic Knowledge Network.
Upcoming Events
Public Poetics Conference
Mount Allison University in Sackville New Brunswick will provide an idyllic setting for the exciting upcoming conference Public Poetics: Critical Issues in Canadian Poetry and Poetics. Held from September 20-23, […]
Cameron Library move
The EMiC UA group capped off an exciting summer of activity with one more voyage: a move from our temporary offices on the third floor of the Cameron Library to […]
Exile’s Return
Exile’s Return is co-hosted by EMiC and the Sorbonne Nouvelle and will feature keynote speakers Mavis Gallant and Alberto Manguel. In addressing the phenomenal influence of Paris as a location […]
The Thinking Heart: The Literary Archive Of Wilfred Watson
Bruce Peel Special Collections Library, Rutherford South, University of Alberta October 16, 2014 to January 30, 2015 Monday – Friday 12:00p.m. – 4:30p.m. Paul Hjartarson and Shirley Neuman This exhibition […]
DH Team: Harvey Quamen, Matt Bouchard Developer: Lucio Gutierrez Gutierrez Let Canadian modernist writer Sheila Watson guide you on walks through Paris of the mid1950s, her words and sketches bringing […]
Martha Ostenso, Middlebrow Magazines and Digital Remediation
“Vast and Unwieldy Archives”: Middlebrow Magazines and Digital Remediation Project Lead: Hannah McGregor This project is an interdisciplinary and collaborative undertaking that bridges the areas of periodical studies, middlebrow studies, […]