Update: New Camsell Resources

Since this project was completed, there has been some excellent work done on the history of the Camsell. In particular, the Edmonton Heritage Council has a special initiative on the Camsell, focusing on the site’s Indigenous history through research and community consultation. There, you can find records of symposia, podcasts, and a host of other important materials documenting the Camsell’s history. The process of telling the Camsell’s stories is ongoing at the ECH, but one excellent resource they have developed the documentary embedded below.

Settler historian Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail took the Camsell as the object of her project “Ghosts of the Camsell” in partnership with the Edmonton Heritage Council. Here you’ll find extensive research about the Camsell site, and an excellent list of resources for follow-up.

This ongoing interest in the site is a vital contribution to meaningful reconciliation.