David Clark – ‘Meantime in Greenwich’ Augmented Reality Public Art

15-20 Minute Paper

Prof. David Clark
Chair and Assistant Professor
Media Arts
NSCAD University

David Clark is a media artist, filmmaker, and writer interested in experimental narrative and cinematic use of the internet. He has produced work for the internet, narrative films, gallery installations, and public art commissions.


“Meantime in Greenwich” consists of 24 custom sundials installed in the Sir Sandford Fleming Park in Halifax. This had been the last home of the Canadian Engineer Sir Sandford Fleming who is widely regarded as the ‘grandfather of Standard Time’. Each sundial activates a custom made iPhone app telling stories related to time, terrorism, and the cultural shift towards a global electronic culture that was prompted by the world’s adaption of the standard time zones. The stories are eccentric and touch on many cultural references but they fit together in a jigsaw of historical and theoretical reflection. This work also engages a GPS and image-triggered series of augmented reality objects on the iPhone app. This talk describes “Meantime in Greenwich,” and its underlying themes of technological progress and cultural shifts.

The work continues my interest in non-linear storytelling and looks back on the modernist period as a way of reflecting our own cultural situation. I am interested in how this piece engages the public in real space and explores the potential of new locative media practices.