Full schedule (PDF) – back up soon — fixing formatting
Schedule At A Glance
Thursday April 25
Friday April 26th
Saturday April 27th
Sunday April 28th
Post Conference Workshops
Please note, schedule is subject to changes due to unforeseen circumstances, cancellations and other issues.
Bus Schedule:
Shuttle buses have been arranged to take participants from the conference hotel (Hyatt Regency Hotel) to York University on April 26th & 28th, departing each morning at 7:45am and at 8:00am and arriving at York between 8:30 and 8:45am. In the evenings, buses will depart from York University at the conclusion of conference events. Shuttle buses are not adapted for wheelchair transportation.
If you require adapted transportation, please contact Sanja Obradovic (at contact information below).
Please do not be late for the shuttle buses. You will need to show your name badge in order to board a shuttle bus.
Friday April 26th
Depart Hyatt (Widmer St. exit): 7:45am (3 buses) 8:00am (3 buses)
Depart York (Fine Arts Road/Ian MacDonal Blvd): 6:30 pm (2 buses) 9:00 pm (4 buses)
Saturday April 27th:
Depart Hyatt: 7:45am (3 buses) 8:00am (3 buses)
Depart York: 7:30pm (2 buses) 8:00pm (4 buses-1 to the Norman Felix Gallery*, 3 to Hyatt)
Sunday April 28th:
Depart Hyatt: 7:45am (3 buses) 8:00am (3 buses)
Depart York: 2:00pm (3 buses) 5:30pm (2 buses)
*Norman Felix Gallery is located at 627 Queen Street West, downtown
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