The Future of the Disseration: Digital Horizons, Creative Affects

Lightning Talk

Jade E. Davis
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department of Communication Studies

Jade E. Davis is a soon to be Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill focusing in Media and Performance Studies.  Her dissertation project explores how the digital is changing our encounter with History by looking at historical photography of black women.  Jade has presented at conferences around the world on the future of the classroom and experimental pedagogy, looking at ways to turn the classroom in to a project based collaborative space. 

Part manifesto, part conversation, this talk is intended to explore what the dissertation is supposed to do and how it can be done differently due to the proliferation access, and simplicity of digital tools.  Rather than looking towards simply moving the dissertation format on a digital device, we need to start imaging how the digital can change the way we organize, create, and critique our topics.  Why does this need to change?  We exist at a point in time where the future of the Academia is still being determined, yet we are scared to move too far off the models we have.  We need to create larger social engagement, and through doing this, better scholarship and with bigger impact. This is a relatively new terrain, one that we are building as we go. As society’s relationship with information and scholarship continues to evolve, scholars need to be shown how and encouraged to play with sharing thoughts as they develop.  Public engagement, even for a limited audience and creative approaches need to be integrated not just into the methodological approaches, but also the final product.  We live in an age with push button publishing.  We need to take advantage of this gift, starting with rethinking the dissertation.