Many Hands: The Archives of Ontario

Outdoor Architectural Projection

Dave Colangelo, York University and Ryerson University
Patricio Davila, York University and OCAD University

30 moons many hands is a story about early 20th century world traveler, Douglas Carr. A shoe salesman from the small town of Ingersoll, Ontario, Carr spent 30 months traveling around the world in 1938, cycling from London to Cairo and through Africa to Cape Town.

Carr’s story unfolds via an outdoor projection and mobile enhanced website that offers a glimpse into the Archives of Ontario where his photographs, films, journals, and letters have been catalogued and preserved. You can also follow @Carr_Diaries on Twitter to read some of Carr’s journal entries.


Dave Colangelo is a Canadian artist and academic based in Toronto. His writing and practice begins at the border of media, communications, technology, public space, and art, and incorporates a wide range of media including urban screens, mobile devices, projection, and architecture. Colangelo has exhibited his work at a number of galleries in Toronto and his writing has appeared in C Magazine and Street Signs. Colangelo’s work with collaborator Patricio Davila has been exhibited in and around Toronto along with writing and academic work published and presented internationally at ISEA 2012 in Istanbul and in the Leonardo Electronic Almanac. Colangelo holds an MA in Cultural Studies from Goldsmiths College, University of London. He is a co-founder of N/A, an art and design collective based in Toronto’s west end, and is currently a doctoral candidate in the York-Ryerson Graduate Programme in Communication and Culture.

Patricio Davila is a designer, artist, researcher and educator. He is currently an Assistant Professor at OCAD University (Faculty of Design) and member of the OCADU Mobile Experience Lab. He is also completing a doctoral degree in the Communication and Culture at York and Ryerson Universities with a focus on Critical Approaches to Design and Information Visualization. As an educator he has taught Interactive Design, Data Visualization, Typography, Research Methodologies, Thesis and Core Studio. As a researcher, Patricio has been involved in a variety of projects that incorporate design research, interactive and time-based media, including: Biomapping (investigating the representation of biometric data, movement and space through the creation of 2D visualizations and 3D objects); Information Design for Chemotherapy (field study with OCADU students and the University Health Network Healthcare Human Factors Group); Access For All (working with the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCADU and the Ministry of Government Services on eLearning strategies). As an artist he has exhibited nationally and internationally and has been awarded Toronto and Ontario Arts Council grants supporting his work. He has also created mobile, locative and new media installations including: E Tower (Nuit Blanche Installation with the CN Tower and Rogers Communication), System for Forgetting and Remembering (Leona Drive Project interactive video installation), and Parkdale Versions (Nuit Blanche Installation with Toronto Public Library). His current work focuses on information visualization through large-scale interactive public projections. As a professional designer and creative director he has worked on branding, communication design and interactive projects for Bell Canada, Telus, CIBC, the Marshall McLuhan Festival, VISA, Toronto International Film Festival, and Japan’s Public Broadcaster NHK.