BHAP news from Dr. Pavel Tarasov, Freie Universitaet, Berlin
September 29, 2015
Thank you to Dr. Pavel Tarasov, BHAP team member from Freie Universitaet Berlin, for sharing recent BHAP news from Germany (see below)!
Our BHAP PhD student Mareike Schmidt submitted her first Rebun-related manuscript to the Journal of Asian Earth Sciences.
On 1st October, Dr. Christian Leipe, who was financed via BHAP funds during the last 6 months, will start working as a post-doctoral researcher in the BHAP-related project "Postglacial climate variability at the northern limit of the East Asian monsoon and its impact on environments and humans in the Hokkaido region, northern Japan". This two-year project will be financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and will allow us to progress with the research on Rebun and Hokkaido. Project will also finance work of a student assistant. Successful candidate Franziska Kobe has been already selected and hopefully will start working from October 15.
Thank you to Dr. Tarasov for keeping us posted!