Veronika Simonova passes her viva
April 17, 2013
Congratulations to BAP PhD student Veronika Simonova for passing her viva!
Announcement from Dr. David Anderson, Veronika's supervisor:
I am very pleased to announce that Veronika Simonova has passed her viva and successfully fulfilled all the tasks set for her by her examiners and is a few signatures away from receiving her doctoral degree in anthropology. Her thesis, entitled Living Taiga Memories: How Landscape Creates Remembering among Evenkis in the North Baikal, Siberia was examined by Dr. Otto Habeck of the MPI in Halle and Maggie Bolton.
Veronika is a senior research fellow at the new Kazan (Volga) Federal University in the Institute for the Comparative Studies of Modernity.
Kudos to Dr. Simonova!