Dr. Nomokonova paper (in Russian) on fauna from site Sagan-Zaba II published in Seriia Geoarkheologiia, Etnologiia, Antropologiia
October 6, 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Nomokonova, BHAP team member, who recently had her paper on fauna from site Sagan-Zaba II published in Seriia Geoarkheologiia, Etnologiia, Antropologii!
Co-authors are BHAP team members Drs. Olga I. Goriunova, Robert Losey, Alexei Novikov and Andrzej Weber.
Nomokonova, T.IU., Goriunova, O.I., Losey, R.J., Novikov, A.V., and A.W. Weber. 2015. Vidovoi i kolichestvennyi sostav fauny s mnogosloinogo poseleniia Sagan-Zaba II (po materialam raskopok 2007-2008 gg.). [Species identification and quantitative assessments of faunal remains from the habitation site Sagan-Zaba II (excavation data 2007-2008 ]. Izvestiia IGU. Seriia Geoarkheologiia, Etnologiia, Antropologiia 11: 103-114 [in Russian].
Congratulations to the authors!